“Artwork, memorabilia, personal possessions and other ephemera from the collection of actor Robin Williams and his former wife Marsha will hit the auction block in October, with a portion of proceeds benefiting causes they supported, Sotheby’s said on Friday.”
The “Creating a Stage” auction will take place in October at Sotheby’s. It will feature some of Robin Williams’ more noteworthy sculpture and contemporary art, as well as more personal items, such as bicycles, wristwatches, and Hollywood memorabilia, including Williams’ Hollywood Walk of Fame Award.
The Oscar-winning star of “Good Will Hunting,” who was beloved for his manic humor, died in August 2014 at age 63 in a suicide in his Northern California home.
The New York auction will encompass works and items spanning the couple’s “diverse interests and careers, all reflecting their shared passion for collecting,” the auction house said in a statement.
Marsha Williams, a producer, was the actor’s second wife. They divorced in 2010.
Some of the estate collections’ highlights up for bid, include a Hogwarts School robe worn by Daniel Radcliffe in the first “Harry Potter” movie, estimated at $10,000 to $15,000, and a Deborah Butterfield horse sculpture, “Madrone (Cody),” estimated at $220,000 to $280,000. Experts say that Hollywood memorabilia has historically soared to many times the presale estimates.
Sotheby’s also says that the estate will also offer for sale autographed scripts, awards, props, and wardrobe associated with projects from across the Williams’ careers, as well as furniture from the couple’s homes and decorative items, including art by British graffiti artist Banksy.
Some of the proceeds from the estate sale will benefit The Juilliard School, Wounded Warrior Project, the Challenged Athletes Foundation and the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.
A public exhibition will open at Sotheby’s on September 29 in New York.
Williams, known for hit films including “Mrs. Doubtfire,” “Good Morning, Vietnam” and “Dead Poets Society,” died of asphyxia after hanging himself at his home, local authorities said.
An autopsy on the actor/comedian revealed that Williams was suffering from Lewy body dementia, which causes a progressive decline in mental ability.
Reference: Reuters (July 20, 2018) “Collection of Late Actor Robin Williams Hits Auction Block 4 Years After Suicide”
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